In this post I am going to be comparing my two favourite climbing shoes , Anasazi LV‘s and the more recent Blackwing‘s and eventually I will crown the winner!
All posts by Emily H
WARNING: Some costumes may not be appropriate for younger readers!
On Saturday the 28th of January I went to possibly the most amazing and entertaining competition that I have ever watched, the BIFF (Beastmaker International Footless Festival). If you don’t know what the BIFF is, it is a climbing competition where you are not allowed to use your legs. You must get up the climb by pulling up on the holds with your hands/arms only.
I watched the semi-final and final at The Climbing Works where there were some ‘interesting’ costumes!
Youth Climbing Series 2017 – Round 1
Yesterday on the 28th of January I competed in the first round of the YCS. The YCS is made up of three rounds and an eventual national final in Edinburgh. To qualify for the national final you must place in the top three on average over all three rounds.
I started the day by reading my routes and boulders whilst chatting to some of my friends who were also competing. I thought that all of the routes looked hard but do-able and the boulders looked equally as hard but more within my ability.

Preparation For Young Climber’s Series
Next Saturday I have the first of three Young Climber’s Series by the BMC which lead up to a national final in Ratho. The top three scoring competitors qualify for the final and I have qualified three times in the previous years. I usually start my preparation a week before the actual competition and that is what today’s blog post is going to be about.

Ace Squad!
On the 11th of December 2016 I tried out for the Awesome Walls Ace Squad and, thankfully, I got in!
5 New Years Resolutions
Sorry about this being a bit late 🙂
I would really like 2017 to be an amazing year for my climbing progress and I have decided to make five new years resolutions to help me improve.
#1- Blog Every Sunday
Even though this is not a climbing goal, it is something I would love to do in the new year as I really enjoy writing these blogs and, hopefully, it would partly motivate me to train so that I have even more to blog about.
Boulder 360 Round Two – Complete!
Last Wednesday on the 21st of December me and my friend Abi attempted EVERY climb in The Climbing Works for The Children’s Hospital Charity and it was exhausting! (To donate please click here)
At the start of the day we warmed up in The Mini Works but after some failed attempts at skipping in a busy environment we headed over to the big works for a more quiet start.
Boulder 360 – it’s back!
It’s back!! Boulder 360 is happening again this year! (For last years Boulder 360 click here or here).

On the 21st December 2016 me and my friend Abi plan to try to climb every single boulder problem in The Climbing Works to raise money once again for the Sheffield Children’s Hospital Charity.
Take The Whipper!
A couple of weeks ago when I was looking at my Twitter feed I saw a post that caught my attention about a “Smart Climbing Sensor and Personal Coach” called “The Whipper”. I instantly went over to their website,, to take a look because it sounded cool.
BMC Youth Climbing Series 2016 – Round 1.
On 23rd January I competed in the first round of the BMC Youth Climbing Series (YCS) for 2016 at the Nottingham Climbing Centre. It was really fun!